70s Revival
I'm a product of the 70s - there, I've said it - so its current revival is fine by me. I've bagged the skinny flares and I'm working on the hair growth. Interiors wise I'm channeling the vibe too. And its starting with sideboards. This sleek, teak one reminds me of my youth.
Fine and Candy
House Boots
It's edging towards March which means I need to reign in the central heating bills. These babies are helping me through a difficult transitional period.
Candy Pandy
Hurricane Half-Term
The storm has passed and the boys are back at school. I'm currently sifting through the debris of half-term and can identify a beloved vase as the only known fatality. Cupboards have been looted of all edible goods and this morning there were sightings of the missing homework. Let the clean-up commence. Aid-volunteers welcome.

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